What is the Skin Moisture Alert Reporting Tool (S.M.A.R.T.)?
The S.M.A.R.T. resource — an easy MASD reference and care guide — was developed by Claire Winterbottom and Sharon Jones, Clinical Nurse Advisors at Medicareplus International on behalf of the organisation.
Work on the resource started in response to recommendations in the document, Pressure Ulcers: revised definition & measurement, published by NHS Improvement in June 2018.
This document highlighted the historic difficulties healthcare professionals have faced in reporting both pressure ulcers and MASD — in part because Trusts differ in their definitions, measurement and reporting processes.
NHS Improvement recommended that processes be standardised and that MASD should be counted and reported in addition to pressure ulcers.
When these recommendations were made, there was just one MASD reporting tool available to healthcare providers. The tool was confusing to use and was only specific to one of the four types of MASD, incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD).
In response to these inadequacies in MASD identification, care and reporting — and to support the new recommended system-wide approach — Medicareplus International developed the innovative S.M.A.R.T. resource.